Saturday, 30 June 2012

Things I'm loving....

School's out for summer!

What more is there to love than that?

This week saw my oldest boy finish up at Primary school. While some mums were a bit emotional about it, I must confess to not being so! It helps to see that he is so ready for the next step, and that he is so looking forward to it.

On their last day the Primary 7s went round all the classes and had their jumpers signed by all the other pupils.

The school also had t-shirts printed up for them with just the signatures of the Primary 7s printed on the back of them.

When they left school on the last day, the Primary 7s were piped out of school.

James was a bit embarrassed by the fuss that was made over them all!

In other things I'm loving news this week:

We saw a deer in the woods at the back of our house..



Alasdair continues to be mammy's little helper.....




...and I decided to be a bit radical when I had my hair cut this week and have a fringe (bangs) cut in!

Have a great weekend!


  1. So cool how well they celebrate the end of school - and love your little helper - so cute he has his own mini version of the iron and board. And I really think you suit the fringe - go you!

  2. Your hair is beautiful! Fun to have kiddos growing up! I love it! (I like the little days too!)

  3. Thanks! Kerr, I think I probably find the moving on stage for James so easy since I have a boy at every different stage just now! It might not be so easy when it's my last!


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