I've been working on getting things ready over on the new housefulofboys blog and, although I don't have everything quite how I want it yet, I think it's time to make the switch.
The new blog can be found at lifeinmyhousefulofboys.com
I'd love it if you could all follow me on over there and follow that one in whichever way you used to follow this one - blogger, bloglovin, email, rss...
Although I won't be posting on this blog any more, I will be keeping it open. I'm still in the process of linking from my new blog to all the recipes on this one and I'm sure there will be plenty more links to other posts on here too.
I've updated the about section on the new blog, added the links for the eczema & allergy posts and posts have started with a look at Alasdair's 6th birthday last week.
So what are you waiting for?! Come on over and say 'hi'!
Oh my goodness... I'll be right over. I have been thinking of doing the same thing... but haven't begun yet. Can't wait to see yours.