Monday, 25 August 2014

Weekend fun

Our weekend kicked off with a first for all of us.
An evening at the Speedway!
Alasdair (5) was a bit scared of the mascot and so wouldn't go in this photo!
My husband recently got in touch with an old school friend who happens to be a huge speedway fan and he invited us all along to the local Speedway.
When we arrived at the track he took us along to the pits so the boys could see all the bikes.
Then we took our seats for the races.
The boys really got into the races.
Everybody fills in their own programme with the results of each race and the regulars were really friendly, helping James (14) understand how the scoring worked. He soon caught on with how to fill it in.
Calum (11) & David (8) were soon learning who the riders were and were cheering on the Edinburgh Monarchs riders.


I have to admit to not being sure what to expect but it was a really enjoyable evening. Even Fraser enjoyed it and was a little star.
On Saturday morning it was a return to shinty training.
Then on Saturday afternoon we were invited to a barbecue at friends near Stirling.
There were a few other couples and families there too. The boys started out by playing frisbee with some of the other boys.
Fraser enjoyed showing off how well he can pull himself up on anything and walk around it.
After we had all been well fed by our generous hosts there was a piñata for the children.
Fraser was quite interested in it once it had been bashed open.
David enjoyed the tree swing.




We all took part in a treasure hunt around their garden, which finished up in the walled garden where they have fruit trees.




The trees are so plenteous that before we left we were given out bags and told to help ourselves.



As a result of our pickings, on Sunday afternoon we enjoyed the autumnal taste of homemade apple & cinnamon pie.




I still have plenty apples left over so am planning a while spent in the kitchen this week turning them into some lovely chutney, as well as a few other appley bakes.


A good weekend all round!


1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun and busy weekend. Boys and motorcycles… they seem to go together. My brothers, my hubby, my sons, my grandsons… all of them have loved motorcycles and trucks. I love your fruit picking spree; how wonderful to get to pick apples and plums. Such a sweet idea to provide bags for the guests to pick. Your pie is beautiful. Happy baking, and have a great week Kirsteen,
    Love and Blessings,


I love reading everyone's comments, so thank-you for taking the time to leave them! I try and respond to them here too, so do check back later on.