Wednesday 13 August 2014

Back to School

Just like that, the summer holidays are over. 

For the oldest three boys anyway.

Calum started high school.

It didn't seem quite such a big scary thing for him to start high school as he already has an older brother there to look out for him. When James started high school a couple of years ago it meant him having to get off the train a stop before the one we get off at for the Primary school and walk most of the way to school on his own until he got to the place where he meets his friends. That was a pretty big step for him but with Calum it's not such a big thing as he will always have his brother to chum along, and vice versa too.

He really enjoyed his first day at high school, and the little bit more independence it gave him.

James (14) started his third year in high school, although technically they move up to their new timetables in the last three weeks of the summer term. He has now chosen his subjects for his exams at the end of fourth year and is really enjoying being able to do the subjects he has chosen to do rather than having to do a little bit of everything.   

His favourite subjects are Art, Music, Craft & Design and Physics.

David (8) started Primary 5 today. Everything about his interests can be summed up in the fact that he wanted this photo to be taken with a football at his feet. And that once I had taken it he asked me if I was sure I had got the football in!

Alasdair (5) is about to start Primary 1 but because the school staggers the start dates of the P1s he won't start until Friday. 

He's looking forward to being like the big boys, although he did ask me if Fraser would be OK at home without him around to help me!

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