On Saturday it was Burns' Night and, as has been the tradition for many years now, my hubs' sister hosted a traditional Burns Supper.
On the menu was, of course, haggis....
...but because she always invites a few folk of other nationalities who may be a little squeamish about the real thing, she always has a vegetarian option too.
It is tradition for the haggis to be piped in to the table before it is 'addressed'. Since Aunty Anna doesn't know a piper, James usually plays his chanter instead. Actually, the chanter he is playing below belonged to his great grandfather who was a great piper.
Addressing the haggis is just someone reciting Burns' poem 'Ode to a Haggis' before it is sliced open and served.
Here is one little man waiting patiently for his haggis.
Our boys all love haggis so we eat it much more often than just Burns' Night and St Andrew's Day.
Accompanying your haggis with Irn Bru is optional. If you're reading from Canada, I hear this has just been banned over there!
The boys had their kilts on again (except James who doesn't have one that fits, or Fraser!) but I need to teach them how to sit properly in a skirt!
Fraser was in great form, despite the crowd of people in a strange house. He always gets a bit unsettled and itchy at dinner time but then is all soothed after his bath, creams and bandages so I did all that before we left. He spent the evening watching the goings on with his big curious eyes. And smiling at all the ladies!
James might not have had his kilt on but he did get to wear his new, and very much loved, Captain America t-shirt.
After the haggis, neeps and tatties there was plenty of choice of pudding.
Oh look, there's that same little man peeking over the table again!
After all the food is finished there is always a sing along of Scottish songs. Calum accompanied some of them on his accordion.
It was a fun night that everyone enjoyed.
Every year as we leave the supper my sister in law snaps a photo of us all. It's fun to see the changes in even just a few years.
This is us this year....
...and only 3 years ago!
I'm not sure which boy has changed the most in that time!