Saturday, 30 October 2010

Fancy Dress Costumes

Another quick post tonight, to share the final costumes with you all before I fall into bed.

What did I say in my last post that I really didn't want to happen this week?

Yup, viewers.

After a month with none, I got a text message from my hubby this morning saying, 'Viewers tomorrow 10.30'


I'm sure you can imagine the state of the house. Paper-mache heads in the dining room. Costumes in the living room. Half made cards all over the table , piano and any other surface Alasdair can't reach.

Double groan!

Still, somehow, the costumes were finished, the cards are almost finished, three batches of cupcakes were made and the house is almost tidy. The floors need hoovered and washed, but that can wait till morning.

Even better, David won first prize at the fancy dress party and James won second. Calum won first last year so wasn't too bothered about not getting anything this year.

Here is my cute little Yoda. His cloak is made from an old sheet.

A slightly less cute General Grievous. His spare arms are stuffed with socks from the odd-sock drawer!

And C3PO. Notice how he has the authentic C3PO stand?

To finish with, these are my cupcakes for tomorrow's Coffee Morning.


  1. You are awesome getting all of that done at once! Your cupcakes look beautiful and yummy, and I am really impressed with the costumes! I hope the viewing is a success tomorrow..praying that it is! :)

  2. The costumes are very well done Kirsteen, they brought such big smiles to my face. Loved those cupcakes. They look gorgeous.

    What a bummer about having to show your house tomorrow. I hope this one comes through for you all.

    Many Blessings,

    IN Christ
    ~ Marie

  3. Well done on the costumes!! (I've never seen star wars so not sure what they're like!) They are impressive!

    Cupcakes look great, hope the coffee morning went well!

  4. Terrific costumes! And those cupcakes look beautiful! I really don't know how you do all you do....


I love reading everyone's comments, so thank-you for taking the time to leave them! I try and respond to them here too, so do check back later on.