Monday, 21 July 2014

Make it Monday - Holiday Crochet


I'm still making my way through my year long crochet mood/memory blanket and took the colours I need for it away on holiday with me.


Since we've been away though, I've taken a break from granny squares and hope to play a bit of catch up on it soon.


Instead of the plain squares from my blanket I have been working on a couple of different patterns I have had pinned on my Pinterest crochet board for a while.


The first was these doilies.


I was quite pleased with them because it is the first time I have made something using only a chart pattern rather than a word pattern. You can find the pattern here. It is only the chart but it's actually pretty straightforward to work it out.
I really love the next doilies I made. I'm planning on making quite a few of these up!


Again, the pattern for these is available online and you can find it here. It includes quite a few pictures to help you out.
I can't decide which of the colour combinations I prefer for this one. All of the colours are from my blanket project!


I didn't take a break from squares completely because I wanted to try out this own square. Calum is wanting me to make this square for the blanket to represent his birthday.


And finally, I've been making up a batch of these Maybelle flowers and turning them into squares using this tutorial here. I wasn't too happy with this square here, my first one, as I think it's a little too big, but I've made quite a few more with a smaller hook size and I'm much happier with how they look.


I'm thinking of making them into a cushion or something smallish rather than a blanket.



The snippets of crochet I've managed these last couple of weeks have been largely outdoors, enjoying the beautiful summer we have been having.



A blanket on the grass for myself and Fraser, while the other boys play football or shinty beside us.


And the reason that I only manage little snippets of crochet here and there is because this little man mastered crawling forwards a little over a week ago. Which means that this is the view I often face as he decides he would much rather head off for an adventure than sit on the blanket with his toys.
After all, it's so much more fun to go off and touch this grass stuff!




Life just got even more exciting for him now!




  1. Oh I've been neglecting my crochet! It's hard to find nice colors of (affordable) yarn, and it's been soooo hot! Maybe after the summer I'll order a big batch of yarn online :-)
    And our Ella had started "crawling" too! It's paracommando style crawling, but still, she is FAST! If I put her down and turn my back, she's already on the other side of the room! Sneaky little thing ;-)

  2. I love all of your projects, they are all very inspiring. I am thinking again of getting some crochet projects out again… it has been quite a while for me. I love how you do a little something where ever you go. It attaches a special memory to the work when you are finished. I can imagine how the little guy will keep you from constant crocheting…. it is difficult once that age is reached. What a cutie. I meant to mention in the comment box on the previous post, that the sand castle the boys made is wonderful. It looks like a picture that should go on the wall. Love the update, and all of your activities.


I love reading everyone's comments, so thank-you for taking the time to leave them! I try and respond to them here too, so do check back later on.