Monday, 2 June 2014

Online friends for real

In a little over a month it will be 4 years since I started writing my blog. (Note to self: Let's have a little online party of giveaways!)


It's funny to think back to those days in the run up to taking that big step of launching out into the big blogosphere. I mean, would anyone be remotely interested in anything I had to say?!


I had no idea back then how many lovely friends I would meet online.


What's even more exciting than getting to know new friends online is the chance to meet them for real!


Especially those from far off lands!


That's exactly what happened last summer - I just didn't get round to blogging about it with all our other summer happenings and then the countdown to new baby.


I can't remember now when, or how, we found each other's blogs but a few years ago I got to know Keri who blogs at Keri-On. Then through her blog I got to know her oldest daughter Sarah, a musician like me, who blogs at the Lord's Lass.

Sarah and two of her friends were coming over from the west coast of the US for a trip around Europe and were heading to Scotland. Their visit coincided with our trip home to Lewis and the girls were persuaded that Lewis was definitely worth visiting on their trip. We were able to meet up for an afternoon while they were up when they came over to my parents' house for lunch.



Sarah is second from the right. And that's little Fraser as my 26 week bump!


We were at the end of our holiday in Lewis and the girls were also heading down our way so we were able to meet up a second day when they came round for dinner at our house. This time I didn't get any photos but we did have a lovely evening together.


Fast forward to this past weekend and it was the turn of two of Sarah's brothers to do a spot of globe trotting.




On their brief visit to Scotland they had a spot of time in their schedule to come out and spend Sunday with us. The boys really enjoyed the chance to get to know them. We took them along to their first Scottish church service (and their second!). The boys introduced them to shinty before lunch and then after lunch I'm pretty sure our visitors were told more facts about various bits and pieces about Scottish sports than they could ever retain!



All these new meetings, new friends and connections just because I took those first steps online!



  1. I love the blogging community! It's wonderful to meet so many new friends. :)

  2. Good memories!! :) We were so glad the boys were able to meet you, too! (Love Ally's face in the pic!!)

  3. So fun to see our boys together! My two younger boys think they should've been in that picture too! Actually I should've been I that picture!

  4. It was a fabulous time! Thanks for letting Ben and I spend the day with you guys!

  5. I consider you to be a bloggy friend :) Even though my blogging future is a bit unsure at the moment haha!

  6. We had a great time! We really enjoyed getting to know you all and spend the day with you. I still have not picked a team for the world cup, but I promise I will before the Cup games begin!


I love reading everyone's comments, so thank-you for taking the time to leave them! I try and respond to them here too, so do check back later on.