In theory I only have less than 6 weeks left until we meet our new little one.
In reality, based on the arrivals of previous little boys, I know that this is more likely to be between 7 and 8 weeks away. My first was 10 days late, second was 7 days late, third was 3 days late. By the time our fourth was due I joked that following this pattern meant he would show up quite close to his due date. He turned out to be our latest, at 11 days past his official due date. So this time, I'm not expecting an early arrival either!
Still, the end is in sight, although I haven't reached that stage where you are desperate for it to be over yet.
I rather like my little baby bump still. Although at times I feel like a beached whale, and picking things off the floor is becoming ever more of a chore, I have been fortunate with each pregnancy that any weight gain has been purely baby. I'm pretty sure this has something to do with the fact that I get so sick and that I go off so many of my favourite foods - yes, morning sickness is still there some mornings and I still have no real desire to indulge in anything chocolatey like I usually do.
I haven't reached the thoroughly exhausted stage yet. Someone asked me recently if I was feeling very tired yet and I replied that running a household of four boys is tiring anyway so it's hard to tell if I'm more tired than usual! Having said that, I do relish the chance to sit down and put my feet up with a spot of crochet. But then, I relish that normally too!
Last week was my most recent check up at the midwife and everything seems to be going fine. Bloods taken at the previous check 6 weeks earlier were all fine, blood pressure was normal, no swollen fingers or feet and baby is behaving and lying head down.
My only complaint just now, other than morning sickness, is late night heartburn. I haven't quite got to the stage of swigging Gaviscon from the bottle at bedtime as in previous pregnancies but I'm almost there!
Because we are assuming we will have another late arrival we haven't got a thing ready for baby's arrival yet either! I haven't bought anything for my hospital bag and all of the baby stuff is still up in the loft. I've told myself that when I hit 36 weeks we can start getting things a bit more organised.
We also haven't agreed on any names. The boys have their say too and there are a few names that we all agree on but we haven't got an overall favourite yet.
Despite my unreadiness for everything to be over yet, the boys are getting more and more excited to meet their new brother or sister, which is lovely to see. Alasdair (4) is forever asking random questions about what babies do and don't like. And what they do. And will it grow up to be a boy or a girl. And when can they start to play. And my favourite of all his questions, when the baby is born will my tummy be small again and can I wear my red spotty dress because that is his favourite!