Monday, 13 May 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

Well I can't quite believe a week has flown by since I last posted, but don't you just find that some weeks are like that?

We didn't have anything major on last week, just life really.


The boys were able to briefly see my dad as he passed through on his way home from a trip to Korea. I think that's his third time visiting there. My mum wasn't able to go with him this time as my youngest brother is still at school and has exams coming up but they have been quite the globe travellers the last few years with trips to Korea, South Africa and New Zealand to name just a few places!


Anyway, Calum collects bank notes and coins and so asked if Shen could bring him back some currency. His eyes lit up when my dad handed him a 3000 Won note. He was then informed that this is actually only equivalent to less than £1! As US dollars are also legal tender in Korea my dad also gave him a $1 note. Calum is quite chuffed with his growing wee collection of notes.


My dad has recently joined the blogging world too, so after plugging my husband's blog a few weeks back it's now time to plug my dad's. Especially this week as he has his trip to Korea on in with some video clips of lovely Korean singing on it. You can find his blog here.



There was more excitement for Calum this week. His (and ours) favourite band, MĂ nran, released their new album last week and the first 200 people who ordered would receive a signed copy.


Well look what was waiting for Calum in the post the other day!


Great tunes on it too. We love it!

You can listen to a wee sample of what they sound like on their website here. Go on, a bit of modern Gaelic folky type music. You won't regret it!


Ok, we'll that's two rather contrasting sites I've sent you off to tonight. I think that's enough miscellany for one night!



  1. Collecting bank notes? What a smart young man!! ;) Hope you are keeping well. Arlene

  2. Our kids used to love to collect coins and stamps from other countries... and loved it when my parents brought them the same goodies. I look forward to checking your Dad's Blog and finding out about his adventures. Also, will listen to the band.
    Have a great weekend.
    Love and Blessings,


I love reading everyone's comments, so thank-you for taking the time to leave them! I try and respond to them here too, so do check back later on.